Star 97.7 is the hometown, premier community radio station for coastal Maine. We love to be on the air, talking about events and the people of Hancock and Washington counties.
Our focus is LOCAL. From Sonnie Shepherd’s local morning news. . . to Steve McKay’s weather forecasts for Hancock and Washington counties. . . to our local, on-air personalities talking about road conditions, who just got promoted at a local business, and the latest hot around-town rumors.
Star 97.7 is a great marketing partner, too! We help local businesses climb to the TOP of the “ladder of consumer awareness!”
From our studios on High Street in Ellsworth, we broadcast locally, 24/7!
Star 97.7 is now a NOAA Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador.™

“Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ and the Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ logo are trademarks of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, used with permission.”