409 High Street - P.O. Box 1171 - Ellsworth, ME 04605 - Phone: 207-667-0002 Fax: 207-667-0627

Star Streaming

Click below to listen live:

Trouble Streaming Star 97.7?

1) (PC/APP) Check to make sure your speakers or on, turned up, and that your computer is not muted. Sounds silly, but if so, it’s an easy fix.

2) (PC) Do you have autoplay turned off on your browser? Perhaps you have added a program to block ads and videos from websites you visit? Sometimes these have unintended consequences such as preventing our station from streaming. Consider turning these features off to stream. Sometimes clicking the “pause” button and then clicking “play” out smarts the software and the stream will work.

3) (APP) Are you near Wifi? Again, it seems silly, but sometimes your device is not connected to Wifi and you might not realize it. Double check to be sure.

4) (PC) If you are you using a PC or Mac and can’t get our stream to work check to see if you are on a supported version of browser.  MacOS 10.8 or higher and Windows 7 or higher are supported. Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Safari are also supported. The latest versions of Chrome (all OSes), Firefox (all OSes) and Safari (OS X) all require user interaction on a webpage to start the playback of multimedia.  Less common web browsers may or may not play audio, and older operating systems may or may not work.

5) (PC) Have you tried rebooting? Most of the problems a computer is having can be fixed with a simple reboot.

6) (PC) With all the possible combinations of machines/Operating systems/extensions we can’t be 100% on every machine, however, Cell phones and Tablets are in a mostly closed environment. Consider listening via our streaming apps on the Apple App Store, or the Google Play Store. This apps are provided free of charge.

7) Sometimes the station stream goes down on our end. Our internet connection may be down, or the streaming machine may have crashed. In such instances feel free to e-mail [email protected]. We’ll check to see if there is a problem on our end, but Star 97.7 does not provide advanced tech support.

Hope this list helps… happy streaming!