Crime/Public Safety/Drugs Damage in Parking Area of Blue Hill Fair Goes Unreported by Suspect (Blue Hill)  A disappointing ending to a great visit to the Blue Hill Fair for a Jonesboro resident last week.  The Hancock County Sheriff’s Office reports to Star 97.7, 44 yo James Cox was parked in the Fair parking lot Saturday.  […]

Star 97.7 - Smooth Rock n' Roll Local News 09/03/22 - Star 97.7
409 High Street - Ellsworth, ME 04605 - Phone: 207-667-0002

Local News 09/03/22

Crime/Public Safety/Drugs

Damage in Parking Area of Blue Hill Fair Goes Unreported by Suspect

(Blue Hill)  A disappointing ending to a great visit to the Blue Hill Fair for a Jonesboro resident last week.  The Hancock County Sheriff’s Office reports to Star 97.7, 44 yo James Cox was parked in the Fair parking lot Saturday.  When he returned to his 2022 Ram, he found the vehicle parked next to him had struck the front of his truck when leaving. That person didn’t stay or report the damage.  Cox’s Ram sustained damage to the front grill and passenger side bumper.  If you happened to have seen something, please let the Sheriff’s office know.

(Blue Hill)  Not fair! The Hancock County Sheriff’s Office tells Star 97.7, 44 yo James Cox of Jonesboro had enjoyed a great visit to the Blue Hill Fair on Saturday; but when he returned to his truck, he discovered the vehicle parked next to his had struck the front of his truck when leaving.  Sadly, that person neither stayed nor reported the damage.  Cox’s Ram sustained damage to the front grill and passenger side bumper.  We’re hoping somebody saw something – if you did, please report it to the Sheriff’s Office.

Medical Event Causes Crash

(Bangor)  A medical event caused a woman to drive through a fence and hit a steel barrier next to Maine Savings Amphitheater Monday afternoon.  Authorities say the 47 yo was experiencing chest pains and blurred vision, causing her to veer from the road.  The victim was taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Dresden Fatal

(Dresden)  A three vehicle crash in Dresden Monday afternoon left one person dead and led to the closure of Gardiner Road near the Carriage Road intersection.  The crash happened about 3 p.m. and closed Route 27 until about 7 last night.  Authorities have not yet released further details.

Lack of Attorneys Hinders Cases from Moving Forward

(York County)  Hundreds of court cases across the state are unable to move forward because the courts can’t find attorneys for defendants who are constitutionally entitled to representation.  The Portland Press Herald reports in York County, domestic violence cases account for roughly 62% of unrepresented cases.  And there’s no system in place to prioritize assigning attorneys to cases where defendants stand accused of committing violence against a partner or household member.  Such cases have raised questions about obligations to such unrepresented suspects.

Local Politics

Amicus Status Granted in APPLL Appeal

(Bar Harbor)  The US Court of Appeals has granted Amicus status to Cruise Lines International Association and Pioneer Public Interest Law Center in the APPLL et al vs. Town of Bar Harbor appeal.  The Town of Bar Harbor says the Amicus status was granted over objections by the Town and intervenor Charles Sidman.  “Amicus” references a person or group who is not a party to an action, but that has a strong interest in the matter.  It gives such persons or entities the right to submit a brief in the action, with the intent of influencing the court’s decision.  APPLL stands for the Association to Preserve and Protect Local Livelihoods. It was formed in protest of the town’s decision to limit the number of passengers that can disembark from cruise ships daily during the busy and often crowded tourist season.

(Bar Harbor)  In 2022, Bar Harbor voters passed a referendum barring in excess of 1,000 cruise ship passengers a day from disembarking, sparked by concerns of overcrowding and safety.  In response – and protest -, a group of business people and others formed APPLL, the Association to Preserve and Protect Local Livelihoods.  Last week, the US Court of Appeals granted Amicus status to Cruise Lines International Association and Pioneer Public Interest Law Center in the APPLL et al vs.Town of Bar Harbor appeal. The Town of Bar Harbor says the decision was granted over objections by the Town and intervenor Charles Sidman.  Amicus references a person or group that is not a party to an action, but that has a strong interest in the matter.  It gives such persons or entities the right to submit a brief in the action, with the intent of influencing the court’s decision.

ARPA Series

(Maine)  During the pandemic and as a result of the crisis, the state of Maine received close to two billion dollars in recovery funding – part of the American Rescue Plan Act.  $260M of that was divided among Maine’s 16 counties.  The deadline for funds to be earmarked is this December, and projects funded must be completed by the end of 2026.  With that in mind, Star 97.7 News took a look at how counties made those funding decisions, a daunting task placed largely in the hands of County Commissioners.  From a state-of-the-art self-sustaining EMA building, to a taxpayer-saving new public safety building, to broadband expansion, support for food pantries, drug rehab programs, and schools – Maine has a lot to be proud of when it comes to how the funds were distributed. But  there were disappointments as well.  Beginning tomorrow, we’ll take a look at how five of Maine’s 16 counties made those funding decisions, where funds might be still available, and whether you might still have a say on any funds remaining.  Our series on ARPA funding, starting tomorrow on Star 97.7 News.

(Maine)  Support for food pantries, agencies for the elderly, drug rehab programs and the arts.  New public safety facilities and upgrades for law enforcement.  Broadband expansion and preparing for potential future disasters.  Maine has much to be proud of when it comes to pandemic recovery projects.  As part of the American Rescue Plan Act, Maine received close to $2B dollars to be used in recovery from the devastating economic impact of the pandemic.  $260M of that was divided among Maine’s 16 counties, with County Commissioners by and large charged with the daunting task of distributing those funds.  With the deadline for funds being earmarked just months away, Star 97.7 News looked at how counties made those funding decisions, what projects were funded, which were not, and how you might still influence the distribution of any funds not yet earmarked.  We hope you’ll join us beginning tomorrow and for the next five days as we share our series on ARPA funding.  That’s starting tomorrow on Star 97.7 News.


Versant Power Astronomy Center September

(Orono)  Set a great example for the kids and put a little learning under YOUR belt at the Versant Power Astronomy Center!  Director Shawn Laatsch tells Star 97.7, this month’s Friday night program takes viewers deep into one of space’s darkest mysteries.  (((VAC Sept 1  “…the evolution and structure of our universe.”  :20)))  That’s every Friday night in September – tickets and more information at astro dot u maine dot e d u.

(Orono)  Learning doesn’t have to be dry and boring – and at the Versant Power Astronomy Center, it’s anything BUT!  Director Shawn Laatsch tells Star 97.7, this month’s children’s program takes kids on a mission for survival.  (((VAC Sept 2  “…that we need to live here on earth.”  :19)))  That’s Sundays in September at 2 p.m.  Tickets just $7 for adults, $6 for UMaine Students, Veterans, and Senior Citizens, and $5 for children under 12 – and you can get those and all the information on planetarium programming at astro dot u maine dot e d u.

(Orono)  Before you begin another hectic week of work, school, maybe tending to family, treat yourself  to the Sunday night music program at the Versant Power Planetarium on the University of Maine campus in Orono.  Sit back in a comfy chair, clear your mind and enjoy an afternoon of stunning visuals set to music.  Director Shawn Laatsch tells Star 97.7 about September’s showing.  (((VAC Sept 3  “…set to really stunning visuals, as well.”  :17)))   The one hour shows are every Sunday at 4.  Tickets and information at astro dot u maine dot e d u.

(Orono)  So much happening with the planets in the night sky this month!  Shawn Laatsch, Director of the Versant Power Astronomy Center, gives us an idea what to look for.  (((VAC Sept 3  “…so do take a look for that.”  :20))).  And do check out all the amazing programming planned during September …for all ages … at the planetarium.  Astro dot u maine dot e d u.


Maine Experiences Warmest Summer on Record

(Caribou)  The National Weather Service says this summer was the warmest on record in Caribou.  NWS  measures temperatures during the meteorological summer – June 1st to August 31st.  This summer beat out the previous record set in 2020 by point four degrees Fahrenheit.  The top four warmest summers on record have all occurred since 2018.  And seven of the top ten have come since 2010.

(Caribou)  Stronger storms, warming waters in the Gulf, more of us installing air conditioners and heat pumps for cooling in our homes – in MAINE! There’s no doubt New England summers are warming, and the National Weather Service has just come out with proof.  NWS says this was the warmest meteorological summer on record in Caribou – measured from June 1st to August 31st – , beating the previous record set in 2020 by 4/10 of a degree.  The four warmest summers on record have all occurred since 2018, with seven of the top ten happening since 2010.


Transportation Broker Leaves Riders Stranded

 (Maine)  A company contracted to handle all MaineCare rides throughout the state is accused of leaving riders stranded.  The Portland Press Herald reports Modivcare is an Atlanta-based corporation contracted to provide transportation to MaineCare recipients in eight of Maine’s counties.  The agreement states Modivcare must provide members with a formal notification letter describing the reasoning behind any ride that is declined.  But the company is facing complaints from vulnerable riders who say they’re being left at appointments and declined for rides without the required documentation letting them know why.


Bar Harbor Paving

(Bar Harbor)  A reminder we told you about yesterday – if you’re headed to Bar Harbor, remember contractors will be paving Bay View Drive from Hadley Point Road west toward Route 3, beginning today through Friday.  That work expected between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. each day this week.

(Bar Harbor)  Pack your patience if you’re headed to Bar Harbor this week.  While tourist season dies down a bit after Labor Day until the height of fall color season, road crews are taking advantage of the nice weather to complete road work.  Beginning this morning, contractors are paving Bay View Drive from Hadley Point Road west toward Route 3.  That work expected to happen daily between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m..  The work will be ongoing through Friday.

Human Interest/Entertainment  

Passy Pete Predicts Early Winter

(Belfast)  Friday we told you about Passy Pete, the Belfast lobster that’s kind of the opposite of Pennsylvania’s Punxsutawney Phil.  Passy Pete emerges from Penobscot Bay on Labor Day each year and chooses from one of two scrolls to let us know if we’ll have six more weeks of summer … or an early winter.  Dozens gathered at Heritage Park Sunday to watch the crustacean choose a scroll which read, “If you have taken care of your crops and restocked your shops, an early winter is nothing to fear,” after which he was returned to the waters of the bay to await an early winter like the rest of us.

(Belfast)  Look for an early winter this year.  That is, if you ascribe to the predictions of Passy Pete.  As we told you Friday, Pete is kind of the anti-Punxsutawney Phil.  He emerges from the waters of Penobscot Bay on Labor Day to predict six more weeks of summer … or an early winter.  The crustacean does this by choosing from one of two scrolls, and this year he chose the one which read, “If you have taken care of your crops and restocked your shops, an early winter is nothing to fear,” after which he was returned to the waters of the bay.  Let’s hope he got his claws crossed!


Red Sox lose to the Mets 4-1.  Game Two of that series tonight at Citi Field.