To submit an event for Community Events, email your information to Star 97.7 at: [email protected].
10:00 am
Corning Museum of Glass via Zoom
Schoodic Arts for All is sponsoring a virtual trip to the Corning Museum of Glass on Monday, March 14, from 10-11 a.m. This program will take place via Zoom. For more information, call 963-2569 or visit www.schoodicartsforall.org.
Find out more »2:30 pm
Winter Hike in Blue Hill
Blue Hill Heritage Trust’s 2022 Winter Hike Series ends for the season at John B Mountain,Monday (3/14) at 2:30 pm. Hikers should dress warmly and wear sturdy shoes. Meet atthe John B Mountain parking area. To register or for more info, call 374-5118.
Find out more »5:00 pm
Science Cafe Online
Dr. Aric Rogers talks about the secrets of anti-aging in an online presentation by the MDIBiological Laboratory’s Science Cafe, Monday, March 14th from 5 to 6 pm. He’ll talk abouthow to slow the aging process, resist disease, and increase quality of life. To register for thelink, go to MDIBL.org.
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