To submit an event for Community Events, email your information to Star 97.7 at: [email protected].
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Summer Camp Theatre in Ellsworth
The Grand Theatre in Ellsworth is now registering for Summer Camp outdoors at the WoodlawnMuseum. Students in grades 2 through 9 will spend two weeks rehearsing for a performance of“Into the Woods, Jr.”. Camp runs weekdays, June 27th through July 8th, with performances onJuly 8th and 9th, and scholarships are available. Register at grand online […]
Find out more »Town of Mt. Desert Spring Cleanup
The Town of Mt. Desert has set the date for the town’s annual Spring Clean Up. It’ll be heldApril 18th through the 22nd in Northeast Harbor. Residents need to have items at the curb by7 a.m. each day. Leaf pickup will be April 25th. Contact the town office for a completeschedule.
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Build a Bee House in Southwest Harbor
Build a bee house for non-stinging Mason bees and leaf-cutter bees in this Spring Break workshop at the Wendell Gilley Museum on Mon Apr 18 at 10 am. The cost is $20 per beehouse. Sessions will be held at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. For more information, call 244-7555 or visit www.wendellgilleymuseum.org.
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