To submit an event for Community Events, email your information to Star 97.7 at: [email protected].
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Summer Camp Theatre in Ellsworth
The Grand Theatre in Ellsworth is now registering for Summer Camp outdoors at the WoodlawnMuseum. Students in grades 2 through 9 will spend two weeks rehearsing for a performance of“Into the Woods, Jr.”. Camp runs weekdays, June 27th through July 8th, with performances onJuly 8th and 9th, and scholarships are available. Register at grand online […]
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Mini Golf Extravaganza in Cherryfield
The 6th Mini Golf Extravaganza will take place April 21-23, noon to 8:00 p.m. each day, at the Cherryfield Academy Community Center located at 53 Main St in Cherryfield. Admission is $2 for 12 and under and $4 for 13 and over. The first floor of the Center is once again being turned into an […]
Find out more »8:00 am
Spring Cleanup at Woodlawn Museum
The Woodlawn Museum in Ellsworth is looking for volunteers to help with their annual spring cleanup on Saturday, April 23rd, beginning at 8 a.m. Wear your boots or sturdy shoes and bring work gloves and a rake if you have one. Coffee and donuts will be provided, and they promise to have you home by […]
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Searsport Spring Clean Up Day
The Searsport Events Committee is sponsoring Searsport Spring Clean Up Day which takes place on Saturday, April 23rd, starting at Mermaid Plaza on East Main Street in Searsport at 9am. All are encouraged to bring their own gloves and a trash bag, although bags will be provided.
Find out more »9:30 am
Card Brook Clean Up in Ellsworth
The Annual Ellsworth Card Brook Clean Up takes place on Saturday, April 23rd from 9:30 to noon. Participants meet at the parking lot on the west side of the Ellsworth Hannaford on High Street. Wear sturdy footwear that can get wet and muddy. Gloves will be provided. To pre-register, contact Kerri Taylor at k taylor […]
Find out more »10:00 am
Roadside Cleanup in Ellsworth
Green Ellsworth has partnered with the City of Ellsworth for its annual roadside cleanup onSaturday, April 23rd. Volunteers can show up at City Hall beginning at 10 a.m. to pick up yellowtrash bags and sign up for a section of roadway. The cleanup will wrap up at 3 p.m. with a prizefor the person who […]
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