To submit an event for Community Events, email your information to Star 97.7 at: [email protected].
8:00 am
Five Big Surry Yard Sales
They call the event “Five Big Surry Yard Sales”, and they happen on Saturday, July 16th from 8to noon along the Surry Road, Route 172. Locations are Rural Hall, The Gatherings, the OldTown Hall, the Grange Hall, and the Old Village School. For more info, go toSurryGatherings.org.
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Bottle Drive, Bake Sale and Yard Sale in Franklin
The Ark Animal Shelter is holding a bottle drive, bake sale, raffle and yard sale on Saturday, July 16th from 9 to 1 at the Franklin Veterans Club. Proceeds from the fundraiser benefit construction of the Ark's new dog kennel.
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