To submit an event for Community Events, email your information to Star 97.7 at: [email protected].
Ellsworth Concert Band
The Ellsworth Concert Band invites you to their free, live concerts every Wednesday night at7:00. Shows will be held in the Ellsworth Waterfront Gazebo through August 10th
Find out more »1:00 pm
Open Studio Event on Swan’s Island
The Swan’s Island Artist Association will be hosting another Open Studio event on Friday,August 5th. Meet the artists and see their work between 1 and 3pm at the Odd Fellows Hall,Harbor View Studio, and the Iver Studio. More info is available on the Swan’s Island ArtistFacebook page.
Find out more »7:00 pm
Hancock Historical Society Program
On Friday, August 5th, at 7pm, the Hancock Historical Society welcomes Cipperly Good, curator of the Penobscot Marine Museum in Searsport, who will present a program themed around women and the sea. Using letters, manuscripts and newspaper articles, the talk will focus on their experiences at sea.
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