To submit an event for Community Events, email your information to Star 97.7 at: [email protected].
6:30 am
Public Breakfast in Bucksport
A public breakfast happens Saturday morning (10/22) from 6:30 to 9:30 at the BucksportUnited Methodist Church on the River Road. Cost is 10-dollars for adults and 4-dollars foryoung children. Proceeds will benefit the town's fuel fund.
Find out more »9:00 am
Polio Walk in Ellsworth
The Ellsworth Rotary Club is holding its Annual Polio Walk on Saturday (10/22) at 9am atKnowlton Park. A $20 donation is suggested to participate. All funds raised go toward RotaryInternational's “End Polio Now” efforts. If you're unable to attend, but would like to make adonation, please mail it to the Ellsworth Rotary Club, PO Box […]
Find out more »Family Field Day at Woodlawn Museum
On Saturday (10/22) from 9 to 2, Woodlawn Museum in Ellsworth is holding a free FamilyField Day on the grounds of the museum. Events include games, pumpkin carving, and tie-dye. Rain date is Sunday the 23rd. For more info, go to: woodlawn museum dot org.
Find out more »Songcrafting Workshop
Noel Paul Stookey and George Emlen conduct a songcrafting workshop as part of the 2022Word Literary Arts Festival, on Saturday (10/22) from 9 to 4. The location of the workshop willbe given after registration. You can get more info at WordFestival.org.
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