To submit an event for Community Events, email your information to Star 97.7 at: [email protected].
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A Ton of Turkey Fundraiser in Ellsworth
With Thanksgiving coming soon, the Ellsworth Rotary Club is helping to raise "A Ton of Turkey" to donate to the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry. One ton of turkey equals 134 frozen turkeys. So, if you'd like to contribute, you may drop off a turkey AT the pantry during open hours, drop off a turkey […]
Find out more »Food Drive in Ellsworth
The City of Ellsworth's Annual Food Drive is going on between now and November 16th. Bring your non-perishable food items to Ellsworth City Hall during regular business hours. Your donations go to Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry, and you get a chance to sign up for a drawing for a 25-dollar gift certificate to a […]
Find out more »Wood Stove Raffle in Milbridge
Tickets are on sale now for the Milbridge Public Library's “Century Heating” Wood Stove Raffle. Tickets are 10-dollars and are available at the Milbridge Town Office or from any Library board member. Winner will be drawn Wednesday, November 23rd.
Find out more »Free Meals for Veterans in Ellsworth
Calling all veterans! On Friday, November 11th, Ellsworth Elks Lodge #2743 invites all veterans to a day of FREE meals. Breakfast starts at 6, lunch at 11 and dinner goes from 4 to 7. The lodge is located at 317 High Street in Ellsworth. For more information, call the lodge at: 667-7987.
Find out more »Silent Auction in Machias
Porter Memorial Library in Machias is opening bidding for their Silent Night Silent Auction on Friday (11/11). You can bid in person at the library, where the auction items are displayed, or on the Facebook page “Porter Memorial Library Silent Auction”. Bidding closes at noon on December 16th.
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Spaghetti Dinner in Cherryfield
St. Michael's Church in Cherryfield is holding a Veteran's Day spaghetti dinner on Friday (11/11) from 5 to 8 pm. Veterans eat for free, and admission is 5-dollars for other attendees.
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“Oliver!” at MDI High School
The MDI Drama Club presents its production of “Oliver!” at MDI High School, Friday and Saturday nights (11/11 and 11/12) at 7 pm. Tickets are 10-dollars for adults and 7-dollars for students and seniors. More information is available online at MDIdrama.org.
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