To submit an event for Community Events, email your information to Star 97.7 at: [email protected].
All Day
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry
The Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry in Ellsworth has set up a “Spark Good” registry atWalMart in Ellsworth. It's like a baby or wedding shower registry, but with food, so you canpurchase needed items for the pantry. Check out the Loaves and Fishes Facebook page fora link to the registry.
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Indoor Yard Sale in Jonesboro
The Jonesboro Grange and the Roque Bluffs/Jonesboro Volunteer Fire Department are co-sponsoring an Indoor Yard Sale at the Grange Hall on several dates in March. Doors open at9 am on Friday, March 10th and Saturday March 11th. For more information, contact Lou AnnCox at 434-2131.
Find out more »6:30 am
Breakfast Buffet in Bucksport
The Bucksport United Methodist Church on the River Road in Bucksport is holding a publicbreakfast buffet on Saturday, March 11, from 6:30 to 9:30 am. It's eat-in or take-out. 10-dollars for adults and 4-dollars for young children.
Find out more »9:00 am
Bottle Drive/Bake Sale/Yard Sale in Franklin
The Ark Animal Shelter has rescheduled its bottle drive, bake sale and yard sale to Saturday,March 11th. You're welcome to drop by the Franklin Veterans Club any time from 9 to 1.
Find out more »4:00 pm
St Patrick’s Day Dinner in Prospect Harbor
It's a St. Patrick's Day Dinner at the Prospect Harbor United Methodist Church on Sat Mar 11, and the public is invited. Corned beef and cabbage will be served up from 4 to 6 pm, followed by anassortment of desserts. Adults 10-dollars, children age 5 to 12 are 5-dollars, and kids under 5eat for free.
Find out more »5:00 pm
Chowder and Chili Chowdown in Bar Harbor
Vote for your favorites at the 5th Annual Chowder & Chili Chowdown sponsored by IslandConnections. The competition happens at the Atlantic Oceanside in Bar Harbor from 5 to 7pm on Saturday, March 11th. Admission is 10-dollars per person or 30-dollars per family. Formore information, call 288-4457.
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