To submit an event for Community Events, email your information to Star 97.7 at: [email protected].
6:30 am
Breakfast Buffet in Bucksport
The Bucksport United Methodist Church, located at 3 River Road in Bucksport, will be having a breakfast buffet on Saturday, April 8, from 6:30 to 9:30 a.m. The cost is $10 for adults and $4 for young children.
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Trenton Craft Fair, Yard and Bake Sale
The Trenton Craft Fair and Yard and Bake Sale is Coming to the Trenton Grange Hall on April 8th from 9 to 3 pm. Vendor Spaces are $30 if you would like to sign up for a space please call or text 479-3247.
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Easter Egg Hunt in Machias
Porter Memorial Library in Machias is hosting an indoor Easter Egg Hunt at the library onSaturday, April 8th. Kids 6 and younger start the hunt at 11 am... children age 7 to 11 begin at11:30. It's free and open to the public. For more info, call 255-3933
Find out more »2:00 pm
Easter Bunny Photos in NE Harbor
The Northeast Harbor Library invites you and the kids to their Meet-and-Greet and Photoswith the Easter Bunny, Saturday, April 8th at 2 pm. Children of all ages are welcome to thisfree event. Registration is not required, but you can get more information at 276-3333.
Find out more »Easter Egg Hunt in Ellsworth
Moose Lodge No. 2698 is sponsoring an Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 8, at 2 p.m. at Knowlton Park in Ellsworth. Children of all ages are welcome to join in the fun. Six special baskets will be awarded to those who can collect the most eggs. Three lucky participants, one per age group, who […]
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Turkey Supper in Searsport
The Searsport United Methodist Church is holding a turkey supper on Saturday, April 8th from 4 to 6 in the church vestry. Cost is $12 and you may eat in OR take out.
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Contra Dance in Surry
A new monthly contra dance is every 2nd Saturday in Surry at 7pm! Contra dance is easy to learn since all dances are taught. Everyone is welcome to dance, regardless of age or dancing ability! There's no need to bring a partner, but attendees may want to bring potluck snacks to share. The cost is […]
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Spring Dance in Ellsworth
The Down East Dancers invite you to their Swing Into Spring Dance, Saturday, April 8th, from7:30 to 9:30 pm, at the Down East Family YMCA in Ellsworth. An optional pre-dance lessonwill be given at 7pm. Admission is 10-dollars, or 8-dollars for seniors and students. More infoavailable by calling 244-5286.
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