To submit an event for Community Events, email your information to Star 97.7 at: [email protected].
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Bottle Drive Benefit in Ellsworth
TD Bank in Ellsworth is holding a bottle drive to benefit Downeast Horizons. They've got afull-size trailer ready to fill up with your donations, and for each bag that's collected, the TDBank crew will donate an additional five dollars! Bring your bottles between now and the endof the month to the TD branch at 217 […]
Find out more »Miles for Meals
The Hancock County Food Drive is organizing an event called “Miles for Meals”, taking placefrom Sunday, April 16th through Monday, April 24th. It's a week-long walking, hiking, andrunning challenge to raise money to support the Food Drive's goal of collecting 40-thousanddollars in April. For more information, go online to HealthyAcadia.org
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Mini Golf in Cherryfield
Annual Mini Golf Extravaganza at Cherryfield Academy Community Center located at 53 Main St. in Cherryfield First floor. April 20-22, 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. each day. Admission: 12 and under $2 & over 12 $4 Two door prizes drawn and votes counted for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place hole creators on closing night. All […]
Find out more »8:30 am
Earth Day in Sullivan
Candy Eaton tells us that the Town of Sullivan is celebrating Earth Day with their annualRoadside Clean-up, Saturday, April 22nd from 9 to noon. They'll provide all the safety gear,and a cookout will follow. Registration begins at 8:15 am... and if you'd like more information,call the Sullivan Town Office at 422-6282.
Find out more »10:00 am
Earth Day Events in Ellsworth
Earth Day is Saturday, April 22nd, and Woodlawn in Ellsworth has lots going on for you and the family! Beginning at 10 am, a nature walk... there's “forest bathing” from 12:30 to 2... followed by a “make and take” of your own bird house from 2 to 3. For more information, visit WoodlawnEllsworth.org
Find out more »3:00 pm
Spaghetti Dinner in Brewer
The Last Chance Motorcycle Club is holding a chem-free spaghetti dinner, Saturday, April 22ndfrom 3 to 5 pm at 142 Center Street in Brewer. This event benefits the BARN. There'll be door prizes and raffles, too.Admission is 10-dollars per person, and kids under 12 eat for free.
Find out more »5:00 pm
Baked Ham Dinner in Ellsworth
The Ellsworth First Congregational Church is holding a baked ham public dinner on Saturday, April 22nd from 5 to 630 in the church vestry. Cost is $10 per person or $25 per family. For more info, call 669-2028.
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