To submit an event for Community Events, email your information to Star 97.7 at: [email protected].
9:00 am
Craft Fair in Cherryfield
A Memorial Day Weekend Craft Fair will be held on Saturday, May 27th, at the CherryfieldLegion Hall. Enjoy lunch and a bake sale, and browse the offerings of 20 crafters. Maine-made art, jewelry, handbags, soap, dog treats and more will be for sale from 9 to 1.
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Open House at Moosabec Ambulance Station
You're invited to an open house at the Moosabec Ambulance Station on Saturday, May 27th,from 10 to 1. Meet and greet the EMT's... touch and explore an ambulance... and tour thefacility while you enjoy a free hot dog. There'll be prize drawings and a live Star 97-7broadcast with Sonnie Shepherd and Brian Nadeau.
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Turkey Dinner in Ellsworth
The First Congregational Church of Ellsworth is hosting a public supper Saturday night May 27th from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM. Roast turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, string beans, Caesar salad, roll, tea, coffee or lemonade, and homemade pies. All for $10.00 a person or $25.00 a family with children under […]
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The Nerdy Dad Show in Stonington
Opera House Arts in Stonington presents Dan Brown in “The Nerdy Dad Show”. It's clean-cutcomedy suitable for the whole family. Tickets are 15-dollars for the show, on stage Saturday,May 27th at 7 pm. For more info, go to OperaHouseArts.org.
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