To submit an event for Community Events, email your information to Star 97.7 at: [email protected].
8:00 am
Giant Yard Sale in Surry
On Saturday, July 22 from 8 a.m. to Noon, rain or shine, 5 Surry non-profits will host yard sales at 5 different stops along Route 172 in Surry: 680 Surry Rd. (Rural Hall) 1208 Surry Rd. (The Gatherings) 1217 Surry Rd. (Old Town Hall) 1229 Surry Rd. (Arbutus Grange) 7 Toddy Pond Rd. (Old Village […]
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Summer Craft Fair in Jonesboro
A Summer Craft Fair takes place on Sat July 22 from 9am to 2pm at the Jonesboro Grange #357, Route 1. Questions? Email: [email protected]
Find out more »Yard and Craft Sale in Whitneyville
In Whitneyville Saturday (7/22), the Community Yard and Craft Sale takes place from 9 to 2 inthe Whitneyville Library parking lot. Hot Dogs, hamburgers, chips, and drink will be for saleby Friends of the Library. Everyone's welcome to attend.
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Johnny’s Dream Show in Franklin
The 4th Annual Johnny's Dream Show to benefit local veterans happens Saturday (7/22) at theFranklin Veterans Club from 1 to 5 pm. Performing will be three members of the MaineCountry Music Hall of Fame, along with the Whiskey Bent Band. Tickets are 15-dollars perperson, 25-dollars per couple, and kids under 12 get in free.
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