To submit an event for Community Events, email your information to Star 97.7 at: [email protected].
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Tax Filing Help in Ellsworth
Taxpayers 50 and older can get free tax filing help at the Ellsworth Public Library. The AARP Tax Aide Program offers assistance by appointment through April 13th. All volunteers are certified by the IRS, and you can book your time by calling the library at 667-6363.
Find out more »Clothing Wanted in Ellsworth
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry in Ellsworth is collecting clean, lightly-used warm coats, hats, mittens, and scarves to help keep their clients warm this winter. You can drop off donations during Loaves and Fishes' regular hours, or get more information at LoavesAndFishesEllsworth.org.
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Warming Center in Ellsworth
Healthy Acadia's Winter Warming Center is open 7 nights a week this winter at 24 Church Street in Ellsworth. Hours are 4 pm to 7 am, with meals, snacks, and beverages available. For more information, call 207-412-22-88
Find out more »4:00 pm
Fish Chowdah Suppah in Prospect
The Prospect Harbor United Methodist Church is holding its Fish Chowdah Suppah on Saturday (3/9) from 4 to 6 pm. Sit down and enjoy a hot bowl of chowdah, or take it to go! Plus, they'll have more than 15 pies for dessert. Adults eat for 10-dollars... children 5 to 12 are 5-dollars... and kids […]
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90’s Prom in Bar Harbor
It's a 90's Prom going on at the Jesup Library in Bar Harbor, Saturday night (3/9) from 6 to 8 pm. Get your best 90's look together, or come as you are! Music, dancing, 90's trivia, and more! All ages welcome, but kids 8 and under are asked to bring an adult. It's free and […]
Find out more »7:00 pm
Contradance in Milbridge
The Milbridge Theatre invites you to enjoy Contradance with The Reversing Falls Band. Contra dancing is not hard to learn and is an easy way to get some exercise while enjoying community. Fun for all ages – Saturday March 9th from 7 to 10 p.m. $10 for adults, $5 for those under age 13.
Find out more »Contradance in Milbridge
The Milbridge Theatre invites you to enjoy Contradance with the Reversing Falls Band. The next session is Saturday (3/9) from 7 to 10 pm. It's 10-dollars for adults... and 5-dollars for those under age 12.
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